
April 11, 2013

Grafikon Koliko je bilo prodanih iPadov v zadnjem četrtletju?

Na Fortune so naredili graf v katerm prikazujejo prodajo iPadov v zadnjem četrtletju.

The consensus among the professionals is that Apple will report Q2 sales of 18.4 million iPads; the average among the indies is 17.7 million. As usual, however, the forecasts of the individual analysts are all over the lot. The low number, 13 million, submitted by Wedge Partner’s Brian Blair, would represent 10% growth year over year. At the other end of the spectrum is Nomura’s Stuart Jeffrey, whose 21.7 million estimate tops the list. He’s looking for 84% growth.

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Grafikon Koliko je bilo prodanih iPadov v zadnjem četrtletju? | iStant:

April 8, 2013

Google naj bi ponudil milijardo za WhatsApp messenger

Na Digital Trends se govori, da naj bi Google ponudil eno milijardo dolarjev za WhatsApp Messenger.
Messaging app WhatsApp is in the negotiating phase over prices with Google in what could be Google’s next billion dollar acquisition, according to an inside source. While the deal started four or five weeks ago, we’ve been told that WhatsApp is “playing hardball” and jockeying for a higher acquisition price, which currently is “close to” $1 billion right now.

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April 7, 2013

OutFit7 – FunNetwork | iStant

Samo in Iza Login slovenca katera stojita za podjetjem Outfit7 je trenutno eno najbolj uspešnih podjetij na App Storu in Google Play po številu prenosov aplikacij. Začela sta v sloveniji z podjetjem Ekipa7 potem pa sta se zaradi boljših davčnih pogojev preselila na Ciper in tam ustanovila podjetje Outfit7 seveda imata podružnico tudi v silicijevi dolini.

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OutFit7 – FunNetwork | iStant: