
November 26, 2013

TV oglas: Ko Microsoft napade Google Chromebook

moškisvet.com: Ženo je slekel... -Novinar nima pojma o čem piše

Novinar/ka N.J. na portalu moškisvet.com očitno ne ve o čem piše/prepisuje/prevaja. Na naslovni sliki je xbox one, članek pa govori o PlayStation 4.
Kje Pro Plus pobira take novinarje?! Upam da ni to njihova "akademija".

November 23, 2013

October 12, 2013

Po novem se boste lahko nevede znašli v Googlovih oglasih

Torej Google je dal novo posodobljeno verzijo pogojev storitev. Novi pogoji bodo začeli veljati 11. november 2013 in jih lahko preberete tukaj. Googlov priročen povzetek v preprostem jeziku pa si lahko preberete spodaj.

Izvedli bodo tri spremembe:
  • Prva sprememba: pojasnilo, kako sta lahko vaša ime in fotografija profila prikazana v Googlovih izdelkih (vključno z meniji, oglaševanjem in drugimi komercialnimi vsebinami).
  • Druga sprememba: opomnik, da je treba mobilne naprave uporabljati varno.
  • Tretja sprememba: podrobnosti, zakaj je pomembno, da poskrbite za zaupnost gesla.

slim shady z novim komadom

Eminem - Survival (Explicit)

Survival - Single - Eminem na iTunes

October 11, 2013

October 8, 2013

What does the Fox say?

Verjetno že vsi poznate komad Ylvis - The Fox (What does the Fox say?), kateri ima trenutno skoraj 98 milijonov ogledov.

Seveda pa se verjetno dejansko res sprašujete kako se oglašajo lisice (razen seveda lovcev in zelenomirnežev).

September 15, 2013

Dragi Mercator sedaj vem zakaj ste v minusu

Našem najboljšemu sosedu Mercatorju očitno matematika ne gre najbolje, saj oglašujejo 113% popust na premium govedino.

August 26, 2013

Še ena zanimiva glasbenica: Becca Krueger

Becca Krueger 

Ob iskanju komada Hit the road Jack sem naletel na glasbenico Becca Krueger, katera ima dober glas in verjetno najboljšo priredbo tega komada. Poglejte si video...

Youtube kanal

August 23, 2013

Asphalt 8: Airborne za iOS


Gameloft je izdal novo igro Asphalt 8: Airborne.

Igra ponuja osem novih lokacij, od puščave v Nevadi, ulic v Londonu in v Monacu. Igra je dodobra prenovljena, saj so lastnosti avtomobila med vožnjo še bolj približali realnim, kar naj bi se čutilo še posebej pri driftanju.

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August 22, 2013

Samo danes (22.08.13) brezplačne iOS aplikacije

Današnje brezplačne aplikacije za iOS


Antalya Offline Map - City Metro Airport

Office Remote Desktop - Full-Featured Remote Desktop Suite

Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders

Golden Trails: The New Western Rush


MiniatureCam - TiltShift Generator

Pill Reminder by Drugs.com

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Današnje (22.08.2013) znižane iOS aplikacije

103456_largerPerformance Stretching

Everything you know about stretching is wrong. Performance Stretching will show you how to do it right.
 From $2.99 to $0.99
Week Calendar HD - Easy and powerful calendar management app for iCal, Google, Outlook, Exchange and more

Does your ordinary iPhone, iPod or iPad calendar give you insufficient insight and options? Then Week Calendar is the solution for you. Whether you use iCloud, Exchange or Google calendar, Week Calendar is the most user friendly and the all-round calendar app worldwide for everyone that needs to get the most out of their calendar app. 

From $2.99 to $0.99

229893_largerBad Piggies HD

Bad Piggies, IGN's 2012 game of the year!
From the creators of Angry Birds: an all new game from the PIGS’ point of view! 

From $2.99 to $0.99




Auria - the 48-track digital audio recording system for iPad.

From $49.99 to $24.99




884809_largerPirate Legends TD

Are you ready to set sail and blow some salty sea dogs to smithereens? Scour the world in this amazing new nautical strategic defense game – Welcome to Pirate Legends exclusively on iPhone and iPad!

From $3.99 to $0.99




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July 28, 2013

Pasja vročina

Rekordnih temperaturnih vrednosti, kot so jih zabeležili 5. julija 1950 v Črnomlju, ko so se prebivalci potili ob 40,6 stopinje Celzija, danes sicer kljub pričakovanjem ni bilo, je bil pa dan peklensko vroč.
Že jutranje temperature so nakazovale, da se bo živo srebro povzpelo do bližine 40 stopinj. Ob 6.30 so merilne postaje najvišjo temperaturo, in sicer 23 stopinj, zabeležile v Novi Gorici in v Kopru, v Ljubljani je bilo 22 stopinj. Ob 9.00 pa je bilo najbolj segreto ozračje na Obali. V Kopru so namerili 32 stopinj. Ob 14.00 je bilo najbolj vroče v Beli krajini. V Črnomlju je bilo 37 stopinj, medtem ko so stopinjo manj namerili v Novem mestu, Krškem in v Mariboru. V Ljubljani je bilo "le" 35 stopinj, na Obali pa se je živo srebro ustavilo pri številki 34. Med 15. in 16. uro so se temperature v Mariboru, Cerkljah ob Krki, Krškem in Novem mestu povzpele celo do 38 stopinj Celzija.
Kdor se želi ohladiti, mu to v našem delčku morja ne bo najbolj uspelo, saj se je segrelo do 28 stopinj. Prijetno toplo pa je s 25 stopinjami tudi Blejsko jezero, kakšno stopinjo manj pa ima Bohinjsko jezero.

June 21, 2013

Pri Rovio so izdali novo igro Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage za iOS

Pri Rovio, krivci za zelo popularno igro Angry birds so izdali novo igro Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage.


An epic adventure based on the award-winning flash game! An icy wind has swept the Vikings away, leaving them stranded throughout the land and surrounded by trolls, deadly traps, dangerous enemies, and worst of all… troll snot! Now it’s up to you to save them!

Use your icebreaking skills to solve puzzles and cut your way through ice, rope, cannons, explosives, slime and… err… chickens to get your clan back safely to the Viking longboat!

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June 11, 2013

Applov novi oglas: Our Signature

designed by apple 2

Designed By Apple In California is etched on the back of every Apple product. Here, we explain why.

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Applov novi oglas: Designed By Apple - Intention

designed by apple

Here, simple phrases paired with elegant visuals describe the thoughts and emotions that go into creating each Apple product.

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June 5, 2013

Apple je izdal novo verzijo Mountain Lion 10.8.4

Apple je izdal novo verzijo Mountain Lion 10.8.4


What's New In This Version:
The 10.8.4 update is recommended for all OS X Mountain Lion users and has features and fixes that improve the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac, including the following:
● Compatibility improvements when connecting to certain enterprise Wi-Fi networks
● Microsoft Exchange compatibility improvements in Calendar
● A fix for an issue that prevented FaceTime calls to non-U.S. phone numbers
● A fix for an issue that may prevent scheduled sleep after using Boot Camp
● Improved VoiceOver compatibility with text in PDF documents
● Includes Safari 6.0.5

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Apple je posodobil aplikacijo Aperture


Apple je v novi verziji odpravil nekaj hroščev, izboljšal hitrost in stabilnost aplikacije.
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May 30, 2013

Samo danes (30.05.13) brezplačne iOS aplikacije

Današnje brezplačne aplikacije za iOS


Luxor Legend - TeamTop3 Inc.

Magicka - Paradox Interactive

Tasty Tadpoles - Mark White

Relax Melodies Seasons Premium HD: Music and white noise for sleep, relaxation & yoga - iLBSoft

Relax Melodies Seasons Premium: Music and white noise for sleep, relaxation & yoga - iLBSoft

YoWindow - Pavel Repkin


Bladeslinger Ep.1 - Kerosene

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1password je trenutno na razprodaji za pol cene

Pri AgileBits so oznanili da je 1Password za OS X, Windows in iOS in seveda tudi Knox for Mac trenutno na razprodaji - 50%.


I have to level with you: most of us at AgileBits have caught WWDC fever. We’ve been sweating code working on 1Password 4 for Mac, and now we’re coughing up crazy ideas like a newsletter so you get details and our eventual release date sent directly to your inbox. Told you we had it bad. The only cure? No, not a cowbell. A 50% off sale on 1Password for iOS, Mac, and Windows, and Knox for Mac! Pick up whatever you need—get 1Password for iOS from the App Store, the Mac and PC versions from our store, grab Knox for Mac to store your files in secure vaults, pick up a family license for the desktop versions, or just single copies for you and all your personal devices.

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May 26, 2013

Applov prvi računalnik na aukciji prodan za rekordnih 671.400$

Na aukciji v nemčiji so prodali delujoč računalnik Apple 1 iz leta 1976 za rekordnih 671.400$. Lani so na isti aukciji prodali Apple 1 računalnik za takratnih rekordnih 640.000$. Tako kupec kot prodajalec sta ostala anonimna.


The high prices paid for the machines seem to be explained by the combination of scarcity, a fascination with the early history of the computer age, and the mystique of Apple and its founders, Steven P. Jobs and Stephen G. Wozniak. And some irrational exuberance in the prices, for a machine that can do very little and originally sold for $666 (about $2,700 in current dollars).

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May 23, 2013

Samsung je naredil kratek muzikal o Galaxyu S4 "Hi Hey Hello"

galaxy s4
We all remember how it feels to fall in love. But times have changed. We've become more sophisticated. Our instincts developed. And so has the Samsung GALAXY S4.

Samsung Mobile proudly presents a story of a young couple falling in love, starting with a simple "Hi, Hey, Hello", a song by The Chicharones.

Filmed by Grammy Award-winning director, Joseph Kahn, this music video marries love and technology in a way that's relevant to today's youthful mobile culture.

In a playful unraveling of new courtship, the male lead uses the GALAXY S4's unique features such as Dual Shot, Samsung Smart Pause, Drama Shot, Sound & Shot and Air Gesture to attract the girl's attention.

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Microsoft napada z video oglasi

Med tem ko se Apple in Samsung napadata z oglasi med sabo, se je Microsoft odločil da napade vse.


Že pred slabim mesecem smo si lahko ogledali oglas

"Don't fight. See why now's the time to switch to the Windows"

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April 11, 2013

Grafikon Koliko je bilo prodanih iPadov v zadnjem četrtletju?

Na Fortune so naredili graf v katerm prikazujejo prodajo iPadov v zadnjem četrtletju.

The consensus among the professionals is that Apple will report Q2 sales of 18.4 million iPads; the average among the indies is 17.7 million. As usual, however, the forecasts of the individual analysts are all over the lot. The low number, 13 million, submitted by Wedge Partner’s Brian Blair, would represent 10% growth year over year. At the other end of the spectrum is Nomura’s Stuart Jeffrey, whose 21.7 million estimate tops the list. He’s looking for 84% growth.

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Grafikon Koliko je bilo prodanih iPadov v zadnjem četrtletju? | iStant: