
May 26, 2013

Applov prvi računalnik na aukciji prodan za rekordnih 671.400$

Na aukciji v nemčiji so prodali delujoč računalnik Apple 1 iz leta 1976 za rekordnih 671.400$. Lani so na isti aukciji prodali Apple 1 računalnik za takratnih rekordnih 640.000$. Tako kupec kot prodajalec sta ostala anonimna.


The high prices paid for the machines seem to be explained by the combination of scarcity, a fascination with the early history of the computer age, and the mystique of Apple and its founders, Steven P. Jobs and Stephen G. Wozniak. And some irrational exuberance in the prices, for a machine that can do very little and originally sold for $666 (about $2,700 in current dollars).

Več na iStant.info

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